Reindustrialising Europe: lessons from the health crisis

11 February 2021 - France
The Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton spoke at an exclusive videoconference on the reindustrialisation of Europe and economic innovation in the context of the climate and digital transition. This event was organised by the Foundation in partnership with the Institut Catholique de Paris and the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lille. Please note that this conference was held in French.
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The Covid-19 crisis has accelerated Europeans' awareness that common strategies are needed to develop an innovative and competitive economy and to accomplish the climate and digital transition. From breakthrough technologies to space policy, from the defence industry to the regulation of platforms, the Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton outlined the challenges that Europe is currently facing.
This event was organised in partnership with the Institut Catholique de Paris and the Faculty of Law of the Catholic University of Lille.
The discussions was moderated by Jean-Dominique Giuliani, President of the Robert Schuman Foundation, and was held in French.
*** Replay ***
27 January 2025