Conference with Josep Borrell - The European Union, a global player


1 February 2021 - France

The Foundation organised, in partnership with the Catholic Institute of Paris, an exclusive videoconference with High Representative Josep Borrell who addressed the major issues that the European Union is currently facing on the international scene. Please note that this conference was held in French.

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Covid-19 crisis, election of Joe Biden, Chinese aspirations... The extremely shifting geopolitical context calls for a redefinition of the Union's external action, summed up by the concept of strategic autonomy. What are the Union's priorities and the tools at its disposal to defend its values and interests? High Representative Josep Borrell set out his vision in an exclusive conference organised by the Robert Schuman Foundation in partnership with the Catholic Institute of Paris. Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation, moderated the discussions. *** Replay ***




8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

This online Elections Monitor panel organized by EPC, at which Elise Bernard Head of Studies of the Robert Schuman Foundation will speak, will discuss the outcome of the French legislative elections of the 30th of June and of the 7th of July as well as their potential impact on EU policies and the functioning of the EU.