Putin's Four Wars. Why Does Russia Want to Become an Empire Again?


1 December 2020 - France

The Foundation hosted an online debate on Russia and Putin's political ambitions that go beyond Russian territory. The author Sergei Medvedev, the specialist of the Russian and post-Soviet world Galia Ackerman and the former ambassador and member of the Scientific Council of the Foundation Philippe de Suremain intervened.

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On Tuesday, 1 December, the Foundation organised an online debate on Russia, its President Putin and the importance of its foreign policy for Europe. *** Participants *** - Sergei MEDVEDEV, Author of the book The Return of the Russian Leviathan (published by Polity Press) - Galia ACKERMAN, Associated Researcher at the University of Caen, specialist on Russia and Post Soviet states, writer and translator - Philippe DE SUREMAIN, Former Ambassador of France and Member of the Foundation's Scientific Council The debate was moderated by Eric MAURICE, Director of the Foundation's Brussels office



8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

8 July 2024 to 8 July 2024

This online Elections Monitor panel organized by EPC, at which Elise Bernard Head of Studies of the Robert Schuman Foundation will speak, will discuss the outcome of the French legislative elections of the 30th of June and of the 7th of July as well as their potential impact on EU policies and the functioning of the EU.