30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, where does the Defence of Europe stand?


8 November 2019 - France

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Robert Schuman Foundation organises in cooperation with EuroDéfense-France an international conference on the state of defence in today's Europe.

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In November 1991, the Berlin Wall came down and a new era began on the European continent. On this occasion, the Robert Schuman Foundation organises in cooperation with EuroDéfense-France an international conference under the patronage of Mr Gérard Larcher, President of the French Senate. The main question which will be treated throughout the conference will be the following: Where does the Defence of Europe stand? The speakers coming from different European countries will discuss this topic around three round tables: - A World without Europe? - A Europe without Defence? - A Europe without Future? Please find more information concerning the speakers in the programme. The conference will take place on Friday 8 November 2019 from 9 am until 5.30 pm in the Palais du Luxembourg, Salle Clemenceau (15 rue de Vaugirard - 75006 PARIS) Registration is obligatory.



27 January 2025

27 January 2025

Following the publication of a Schuman paper dedicated to Poland's Presidency of the Council in 2025, a debate  is organised to talk about the evolving role of  Poland and its potential to address the Union's leadership challenges.