Emmanuel Macron's secret letter to Angela Merkel

5 November 2018 - France
Gérard de La Malice, alias from a former Frecnh Diplomat, iis the writer of this proposal.
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Dear Angela
I was about to write to you to say that your decision to stop your (meagre) sales of arms to Saudi Arabia, and your simultaneous call for a common European position, have been the straws that broke the camel's back. After your hesitation over the Greek debt, your decision to stop using nuclear power in Germany in the wake of Fukushima, the precipitous opening of Germany's borders to migrants in 2015 - I was about to tell you that your latest move was one too far. I was going to take advantage of it to recall that you had declared that the time had come for Europe to take its fate into its own hands and that quite precisely, since my election as the President of the Republic, I have constantly made suggestions to achieve this goal, but all has been in vain.
Regarding the reform of the euro zone I have put forward the means that would help the single currency to be stronger, for it not just to be a reserve currency but also one of trade - the only way for Europe to rid itself of the unbearable consequences of American extraterritoriality, as was the case with the sanctions against Iran: a soothing response; regarding the taxation of the GAFA, your timid "maybe" clearly morphed into almost "no"; in terms of defence, what is the point of arms cooperation if you implicitly veto our exports and condemn our future common programmes as they are deprived of any export perspectives? What is the point of European defence if it never leads to military operations? Might I add that defence and foreign policy are but one, and that I have not noticed your government or public opinion wanting now, anymore than before, to assume the costs and risks that an autonomous foreign policy implies.
I was also about to get irritated in the face of the surreal nature of the present situation. President Trump aims at all costs to destroy the European Union; China is trying to attract a certain number of the Union's countries by offering them successful business opportunities; Italy is threatening to turn to Russia in response to Brussels' injunctions regarding its budget; the UK is committing suicide as it leaves the EU; Islamist terrorism continues to be a formidable threat; the challenge of immigration lies before us; the very cohesion and base of our democratic society are under attack from both the outside and from within. And what are you doing ? You give guarantees to your electorate by making demagogic declarations about the halt of arms sales to Saudi Arabia where you export 400 million euro of goods per year, whilst France exports 11 billion!
I also wanted to add that many people in France and elsewhere are wondering whether the strengthening of Europe's unity really interests you, or whether, after all, you are not satisfied with a prosperous Germany, with export markets that now lie more outside than inside the Union, notably in the USA and China.
And now there has been your decision not to stand for the leadership of the CDU in December, together with the avalanche of comments about the imminent end of your political career. Needless to say that I do not want this, not just because of our friendship, because my interest does not lie there. In the past you have shown that, contrary to your reputation for extreme prudence - you are also capable of taking audacious decisions. Today, I fear that you have a simple choice: to continue a piecemeal policy until your own party decides to deliver you the final blow - or to leave power in a few years, your head high, as the Chancellor who, with France and others, has resolutely taken charge of the future of Europe.
This would be dangerous, for both you and I. But the time has come to put all of our cards on the table and bring this charade to an end and no longer just pay lip service to the Franco-German relationship, which we very well know is faltering. What I am suggesting is nothing less than a new historic compromise between France and Germany, one that is franker than in the past, and possibly more imaginative and audacious - on both sides. It is a unique opportunity. It is also an absolute necessity if we do not want to be swept away by the tide of History. I suggest that we meet privately before Christmas to seal our union for the revival of Europe
I am waiting for your response with much hope
My very kind regards,
Emmanuel Macron
27 January 2025