Fifth edition of the European Association Conference


21 May 2012 - France

The fifth European Association Conference took place on 21st and 22nd May 2012 in Strasbourg. Organised by the Maison de l'Europe of Strasbourg with several partners, including the Regional Council of Alsace, the Council of the Associations of Europe and the European Parliament, it focused this year on the theme: "Démocratie participative-démocratie de proximité: dialoguer en Europe". The Foundation's Director General, Pascale Joannin took part. On 22nd May Pascale Joannin spoke at the fourth round table entitled "From the Eurozone to the United States of Europe?"

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27 January 2025

27 January 2025

Following the publication of a Schuman paper dedicated to Poland's Presidency of the Council in 2025, a debate  is organised to talk about the evolving role of  Poland and its potential to address the Union's leadership challenges.